The League of Women Voters of Kent County Maryland (LWVKCMD) is a non-partisan organization that encourages informed and active participation in government and works to increase understanding of national, state and local public policy through education and advocacy.  We are dedicated to providing well-researched and unbiased information so that all voters may become better informed.   Seal_of_Kent_County_Maryland.gif

Kent County Commissioners Study online survey

The League of Women Voters of Kent County Maryland, supported by the current county commissioners, is studying if increasing the number of commissioners in Kent County from 3 to 5 could result in the county government being more effective at meeting the needs of its citizens.

Your response is encouraged and your answers are completely anonymous. Thank you for participating in this study. Please click the link above to complete the online survey today.


Please Join the League and meet our Board Members.  Please email us at [email protected] for more information. We assist citizens to become more informed participants in our community and government by:

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